Katia Evrat (Inria, équipe Toccata): +33 1 69 15 76 55,Jean-Pierre Merlin (Université Paris Sud, accueil PCRI): +33 1 69 15 42 23.
Surface Mail
LRI - bâtiment 650 Université Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay Cedex France
Our offices are located in the PCRI building:PCRI - Bâtiment 650 Rue Noetzlin 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette FranceLocate the building using OpenStreetMap or Google maps.
By public transportation from Paris, two possibilities:
- take RER B to Massy-Palaiseau, then bus 91-06B, 91-06C to IUT Pôle Ingénierie (or Moulon);
- take RER B to Le Guichet then bus 9 to IUT Pôle Ingénierie (or Moulon).
VALS offices are located on the first floor, in Central and Eastern blocks.